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How to Ensure Your Business Avoids Loss During a Trade War

FundKite was recently featured in a Money Inc article on “How to Ensure Your Business Avoids Loss During a Trade War,” written as an op-ed by Alex Shvarts, CTO of FundKite. “After nearly a decade of operating in a bull market, many business owners are getting the feeling that what goes up must come down, […]

Manly Man Company: Born Out Of Love

A “broquet” to end all bouquets… The Manly Man Company sells hand crafted beef jerky floral bouquets that “are 100% edible and truly are made for that rugged one of a kind, hammer swinging, IPA drinking, duck hunting, beast of a man-animal you call yours.” The idea for the Manly Man Co. came to Greg Murray […]

Why You Should Consider A Getting A Business Mentor

No matter what type of business you have or goals you are trying to pursue, you should strongly consider having a business mentor. Not having a business mentor can lead to wasted time, money and resources, as wrong turns can be more costly than anticipated. As you strive to grow your business and provide for […]

Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream: Dreaming of Ice Cream

Jeni Britton Bauer was born dreaming of ice scream. Her journey to becoming an ice cream mogul was anything but straightforward, although looking back, it’s clear she was meant to found Jeni’s Ice Creams all along. Jeni’s passion for flavor started with her first high school job at an ice cream parlour, then transferred to her next […]

ClassPass: Hacking Is The Sincerest Form Of Flattery

Constantly being hacked could be a sign of flattery from people who really want your business. Payal Kadakia, founder of ClassPass, was smart enough to realize this and change her business model accordingly. Kadakia didn’t know it at the time, but all of her life experiences were leading her to form a wildly successful start up […]

7 Ways to Give Thanks to Your Employees

The increase in consumerism around the holidays often means asking for more hours of employees to fill orders, who conversely want more time off to spend with their family. While you’re taking advantage of the increase in sales, remember to give back to the employees you’re asking so much of. DECORATE If your company has a Pinterest-obsessed […]

Alex and Ani: Celestial CEOs

Nearly 40 years after starting the business, Ralph Rafaelian’s daughter, Carolyn, decided to take the family jewelry vocation a step further and turn their small business into a major brand name of her own. Alex and Ani traces back to 1966 when Carolyn Rafaelian’s father began manufacturing jewelry with all made in America materials. Using this […]

RXBar: Dyslexic Entrepreneur Advantage

One successful entrepreneur was so dedicated to perfection he fired his own mother, but the high standards he set for his business is what grew RXBar to be sold to Kellogg’s for $600 million in 2017. RXBAR’S CEO The entrepreneur is Peter Rahal, CEO and co-founder of @RXBar alongside his childhood best friend Jared Smith. The clean label protein […]

Vitamix: Blender as a Best Friend

Product warning: May cause dancing in the kitchen and obsession with liquifying all meals. Vitamix isn’t just a blender, it’s a lifelong companion. While many consumers are deterred by the thought of paying $250-500 for a smoothie maker, those who have taken the plunge swear it changed their life. VITAMIX’S HISTORY @Vitamix has always been an advocate […]

Office Decor Tips for Productivity

Productivity is essential for keeping a business running. What many business owners don’t realize is that a lot of the productivity of their employees doesn’t come from an inspiring speech in the morning or a giant mug of black coffee. Much of the office workflow can be attributed to the office decor, including layout, windows, […]