“Baby Boomers & Technology” Featured on Forbes

Exciting achievements are happening at FundKite! CEO Alex Shvarts is a member of the Forbes Technology Council, and his first article on “The Misconception Of Baby Boomers And The Age Of Technology” was recently published. “THE MISCONCEPTION OF BABY BOOMERS AND THE AGE OF TECHNOLOGY” The article illuminates how marketers often focus on reaching the younger, tech-savvier […]
How to Ensure Your Business Avoids Loss During a Trade War

FundKite was recently featured in a Money Inc article on “How to Ensure Your Business Avoids Loss During a Trade War,” written as an op-ed by Alex Shvarts, CTO of FundKite. “After nearly a decade of operating in a bull market, many business owners are getting the feeling that what goes up must come down, […]
Business News Daily – 6 Small Business Tech Trends

FundKite was recently featured in a Business News Daily article on “6 Small Business Tech Trends,” with quotes from Alex Shvarts, CTO of FundKite, on how influencer marketing will change in 2019. “As a small business owner, you may not be on the forefront of developing technology as enterprise-level businesses often are, but tech still […]
Payments Source – Small Biz Lending Market

FundKite executives watched the small-business lending sector evolve – and determined that the trend of mobile point of sale providers offering loans and cash advances was limiting the market. PAYMENTS SOURCE The likes of Square and PayPal have been using their mobile point of sale devices as both a measure of creditworthiness and a means […]