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What Is Debt Service Coverage Ratio & How To Calculate

Looking to take on debt to finance your business’s growth goals? Calculating your business’s Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) can help you calculate how much debt, and at what interest rates, you should be taking on.  Taking on debt is a perfectly normal part of growing in the economy. What you need to examine is […]

5 Best Apps for Workflow in 2019

Communication is key to getting work done, and that’s the truth whether you all work in the same office or all work remotely. Say goodbye to the days of drowning in sticky-notes and missing key tasks, there are hundreds of task management apps out there to help your team manage workflow in 2019, and each […]

What To Do If You Filed Your Taxes Wrong

‘Tis the season to get your taxes done! If you’re like most business owners, tax season is not greeted with warm cheer. It requires a great deal of paperwork that may need to be dug up from 11 months ago. It takes mental recall of various purchases and expenses. It takes a high-priced professional trained […]

Last Minute Holiday Gifts for Bosses

After the in-laws, gifting your boss is probably the hardest person to shop for on your list. Really, what do you get someone who makes more money than you? Who knows how much you make? Who you want to thank immensely without being too much of a goody-goody? It doesn’t have to be holiday gifts […]

Why Minorities Have A Harder Time Finding Funding

When looking at the demographics of business loans for minorities, there is a noticeable gap between approval rates for non-minority business owners and minority business owners. Minority owned businesses have a harder time funding funding and getting approved for loans, the reason for which is attributed to many factors. A 2010 study titled “Disparities in […]

How To Determine The Right Location For Your Business

So you’ve got your business. That’s great! Coming up with an idea and getting started is often the hardest part of entrepreneurship. Whether you’re just planting your roots or moving from another location, how to determine the right location for your business is often a challenging task. It’s a big decision that affects many factors, […]

8 Ways Motherhood Prepares You For Entrepreneurship

With the ability to work and obtain an income also came the question many women struggle with throughout their careers: family or work? While many women choose both, the fact is, there are times when you have to choose between a crying baby and a client call, a sick toddler and a board meeting, joining […]

“Baby Boomers & Technology” Featured on Forbes

Exciting achievements are happening at FundKite! CEO Alex Shvarts is a member of the Forbes Technology Council, and his first article on “The Misconception Of Baby Boomers And The Age Of Technology” was recently published. “THE MISCONCEPTION OF BABY BOOMERS AND THE AGE OF TECHNOLOGY” The article illuminates how marketers often focus on reaching the younger, tech-savvier […]

La Croix: A Lesson in Branding for the Underdog

For a change, a trend started in the midwest and made its way to the coasts, rather than the other way around. La Croix Water (pronounced La Croy) is an American sparkling water brand that most millennials remember seeing their moms drink on beach trips or other events where a sugarless but carbonated alternative for pop […]

Do Women Have A Harder Time Getting Funding?

According to research by Dana Kanze, the answer is yes, female entrepreneurs get less funding. Kanze broadcasted her research in a TedTalk on December 20th, 2018 explaining the implicit gender bias in both male and female venture capitalists funding entrepreneurs. Kanze found that despite the increase in female representation in venture capital firms, male and female entrepreneurs […]