Tools For Women in Finance in 2019

The number of women in finance is growing, but the journey to expanding the female presence in the finance industry has been filled with hard work and much collaboration. One thing is certain about this initiative, women helping women is the best way to move forward. Senior level women in finance have been mentoring and […]
8 Ways Motherhood Prepares You For Entrepreneurship

With the ability to work and obtain an income also came the question many women struggle with throughout their careers: family or work? While many women choose both, the fact is, there are times when you have to choose between a crying baby and a client call, a sick toddler and a board meeting, joining […]
Do Women Have A Harder Time Getting Funding?

According to research by Dana Kanze, the answer is yes, female entrepreneurs get less funding. Kanze broadcasted her research in a TedTalk on December 20th, 2018 explaining the implicit gender bias in both male and female venture capitalists funding entrepreneurs. Kanze found that despite the increase in female representation in venture capital firms, male and female entrepreneurs […]
Ways To Celebrate International Women’s Day In The Office

International Women’s Day is recognized every year on March 8th, and this year in 2019, it falls on a Friday. Wondering if and how you should celebrate? While you don’t need to have a formal party, acknowledging the day and making the women of the office feel special can go a long way for those […]
What it Means To be Stay-At-Home Mother

Stay at home motherhood is the talk of every mommy blog these days. Whether a woman chooses to stay home and raise her kids or go back to work after maternity leave, everyone has an opinion on it and is happy to use the internet to vocalize their views. STAY AT HOME MOTHERS There’s no shortage of […]