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Recourse vs. Non-Recourse Factoring: Pros and Cons

Financing is often an integral part of successful business strategy, especially for small businesses looking to scale their operations. As a matter of fact, 43% of small businesses applied for a loan in 2022, with a sizeable 66% of their applications receiving approval. However, loans, much like other conventional forms of financing (be it equity or debt […]

5 Shopify Payment Methods: How to Choose the Right One

All businesses require stable and secure payment gateways to collect their dues. This is especially important in the case of online e-commerce businesses since most of the customer pool is remote and makes purchases from distant locations. While platforms like Shopify have provided business owners the unique opportunity to set up their online marketplace, entrepreneurs […]

How to Make Money on Shopify: 20 Store Ideas to Consider

Shopify is a versatile business platform that allows potential entrepreneurs to easily access a vast pool of customers. Right from setting up the online marketplace to advertising your offerings to an array of customers, Shopify takes you through all the steps in a systematic manner. Since businesses are of many types, Shopify can be tailored […]

Factoring Agreements, Terms, & Fees: Mistakes to Avoid

Invoice factoring firms have emerged as important providers of business credit that offer entrepreneurs quick access to capital. Factoring has become a popular method of financing businesses due to the competitive rates it offers and the intuitive clauses that do not rely on conventional repayment means like interest. Quick disbursement of funds and short processing […]

Reimbursable Expenses For A Small Business

All businesses at some point are subject to expenses, required directly or indirectly to run the company’s operations at different levels. These expenses are paid directly from the company or are incurred by the employed officer who deems them necessary to ensure all operations run smoothly. In the case of the latter, the company would […]

Manufacturing Accounting: A Guide for Manufacturers

Unlike retail and service-oriented operations, manufacturing businesses face a special set of challenges regarding accounting and costing methods. Manufacturing businesses need to maintain a close watch on their books to ensure they generate the required amount of profit relative to their costs since they create products from scratch. The process can become complicated and often […]

5 Negative Effects of Inflation on Business: How to Adjust

It’s impossible to turn on any television or radio news program today without hearing the dreaded word discussed by economists, politicians, and leaders worldwide – Inflation! Consumables are more expensive, interest rates are high, and the cost of living is at its peak. We have all seen and heard the numbers as the experts weigh in. […]

Small Business Cash Flow Management: 5 Useful Strategies

“Never take your eyes off the cash flow because it’s the lifeblood of business.” – Richard Branson. Cash flow management is an integral part of running a successful business. It’s a practice that is meant for not only large corporations but also small business owners to benefit greatly from an efficient cash flow plan. An “Intuit […]

YOY Formula: Calculate Business Year-Over-Year Growth

Year-on-year growth is one of the most important metrics for businesses looking to review their performance over a defined period. Not only does it remove seasonality from the picture, but it also allows you to standardize your metrics and look at hard data without worrying about variable factors and tweaking the numbers. Knowing how to […]

10 Causes Why Businesses Fail: How Invoice Factoring Helps

Every entrepreneur knows that investing in any business has its risks. However, success lies in your choices as a small business owner. Therefore, before starting a new venture, it always pays to ask why businesses fail. Whether you are a seasoned business owner or a new entrepreneur, these numbers are daunting. In addition, you may […]